
Our Street Our Children is a Non-Governmental Organisation formed in Nepal in 2012. We are registered with the Charity Commission, Registered Charity Number 1175800, and HMRC, Charities number EW23919.

The objective of our charity is to relieve the poverty, advance the education and protect and preserve the health of orphan, neglected, impoverished and/or sick children in need in Nepal through the provision of:

  1. Basic necessities such as care, accommodation, clothing, food and medicine;
  2. Educational tuition and equipment and the making of grants; and
  3. Financial, material and logistical support to organisations and individuals who work with such orphan, neglected, impoverished and/or sick children in order to help build or improve their accommodation, schools and living conditions in general.

What We Do

Our Street Our Children (Hamro Sadak Hamra Balbalika in Nepali) was started by Dave and Jackie Britten before they returned from Nepal after working for a year in the local community in Narayangarh, a city located in the heart of Nepal in the district of Chitwan.

OSOC provides support for street children in the following key areas:

OSOC is a Nepali organisation run by Nepalis. It is run by a management committee in Nepal, comprised of members of the local community who want to make a difference in their city. They are all volunteers; the only paid staff are teachers working in the Homework Club and outreach workers who work with the children on the streets of Narayangarh.

OSOC was formed to help solve the problems of those children who have made the streets their home. It aims to work with them on the streets whilst respecting their wishes and aspirations.

OSOC believes children can be rehabilitated into family and society by fulfilling their basic needs and imparting education.

Street children have been labelled as asocial, because of their activities. They feel compelled to go against the established norms and values as they are despised by their community. OSOC works to end such discriminations and make them a part of society by helping to resolve their problems.

Jackie, Dave and their supporters organise events in the UK to raise funds to support OSOC in its essential work in Narayangarh.


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